Rx Health and Wellness Weight Loss Clinic of Owasso, Oklahoma works with a wide range of clients to help them achieve their weight loss goals. College students who had unhealthy diets and elderly people trying to regain some functionality and capability in their lives are just some of the client types that we have helped in the past. It is never too late or early to start your path to weight loss. At Rx Health and Wellness Weight Loss Clinic of Owasso, Oklahoma, we want to help you set, plan, and achieve your weight loss goals no matter what season you are experiencing in your life. We firmly believe that weight loss is for everyone.
If you ever thought that you were too old, too young, too sick, or too scared to begin a weight loss program, we are here to tell you that you can find out only one way. Please visit us for a consultation to learn what possibilities lay ahead for you if you choose to work with us. We use every bit of knowledge, experience, technology, and protocols to create an effective and custom weight loss program for you that will provide the greatest chance of success. At Rx Health and Wellness Weight Loss Clinic of Owasso, Oklahoma, we want all of our patients to know and experience the benefits that a custom weight loss program brings. We consider your lifestyle, habits, goals, health, fitness, and biometrics to customize a program that is tailored to address each of these aspects of your life.
Weight loss is a great tool for combating a myriad of weight-related illness like diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease, but another great reason for weight loss is prevention. Everyone benefits from prevention when it comes to disease. As Benjamin Franklin is quoted to say – “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Prevention from disease can lead to astounding benefits aside from the obvious. Your body becomes more capable, you become happier, and you gain a strong self-confidence that can propel you into exciting, uncharted paths in your life.
Experience is a valuable aspect of life that can be had only one way. If you feel as if you are missing something in your life and you feel that you could lose some weight, then maybe those two are connected. If someone lacks confidence in their body’s capabilities, then they may not be as ambitious or outgoing as they would normally be. Being self-conscious is a good thing, but just as with all good things, there can be too much. Too much self-consciousness can lead to unhealthy habits or feelings. When you are confident in yourself and your body, you are able to tackle and achieve more than you would otherwise. At Rx Health and Wellness Weight Loss Clinic of Owasso, Oklahoma, self-confidence for our patients is a common by-product of our work. During and after your weight loss program, confidence grows as a result of the custom weight loss program that is specific to you. We leave little to chance when it comes to our patients and your success is our success.
At Rx Health and Wellness Weight Loss Clinic of Owasso, Oklahoma, we are driven to help everyone to live healthier, happier, more confident lives. Our patients are the reason that we started in the medical field and we want to prove it to anyone who is willing to walk through our doors. Our professional lives have geared us to help others and the path to weight loss for everyone is no different.
Rx Health and Wellness Weight Loss Clinic is located in Owasso, Oklahoma. Our goal is to provide the highest quality care and direction for our patients who desire to lose weight and live a happier, healthier life. We create customized weight loss plans based upon various factors with your goals and health in mind.
Rx Health and Wellness | Weight Loss Clinic | Owasso, OK
11560 N 135th E Ave, Ste. 101
Owasso, OK 74055
To schedule an appointment, please call: